What is LYK?
LYK is a social network with privacy. LYK gives you complete control of your privacy with various features that ensure your profile will not be exposed to a public network.
LYK rewards users for their time spent on the app through LYK wallet. The rewards program allows users to earn wallet points that can be used to redeem exciting rewards on LYK.
How do I create a LYK account?
To create a LYK account from the app:
  1. 1. Download the LYK app from the App Store (iPhone) or Google Play Store (Android).
  2. 2. Once the app is installed, tap on LYK to open it.
  3. 3. Tap register, enter your name and phone number, create a password, then tap sign up.
To create a LYK account from a computer:
  1. 1. Go to lykapp.com.
  2. 2. Click join now, enter your name and phone number, create a password, then click sign up.
*Providing an email is optional on LYK.
When signing up, make sure you enter a valid phone number that you have access to. If you log out and forget your password, you’ll need to be able to access this phone number to get back into your LYK account.
How do I update my LYK profile information?
To update your profile information including your username and email address associated with your account:
  1. 1. Go to your LYK profile.
  2. 2. Tap edit.
  3. 3. Enter your new information and tap save.
Your profile information isn’t visible to anyone unless you make it public.
How do I add or change my profile picture on LYK?
To add a profile picture:
  1. 1. Go to your profile and tap Edit.
  2. 2. Tap the camera icon to the right.
  3. 3. Select where you’d like to import your picture from.
  4. 4. Tap save when finished.
How do I add or change my cover photo on LYK?
A cover photo is a larger photo at the top of your profile, above your profile picture.
To add or change your cover photo:
  1. 1. Go to your profile and tap Edit.
  2. 2. Tap the camera icon to the right.
  3. 3. Select where you’d like to import your picture from.
  4. 4. Tap save when finished.
Can anyone view my profile?
By default all of your information is private when you first create your account. Information can be seen by others if you choose to make it public when editing your profile.
How can I change my password?
To change your password:
  1. 1. Go to your profile and tap the collapsed menu icon.
  2. 2. Tap Settings > Account > Change Password.
  3. 3. Enter your current password and then enter your new password.
  4. 4. Tap Save Changes.
For your security and privacy, LYK doesn’t have access to change your password for you. However, it’s easy to change your password by yourself. Simply:
  1. 1. Tap Forgot Password on the login screen.
  2. 2. Enter your phone number and tap reset password to receive a verification code.
  3. 3. Enter this code and your new password then tap submit.
Where can I find my account settings?
To get to your settings:
  1. 1. Open the LYK app and tap the collapsed menu icon.
  2. 2. Tap settings.
From there you’ll see settings for your:
  1. . Account
  2. . Notifications
  3. . Blocked Users
LYK connections are the people you invite to your network or people who request to be part of your network.
How do I add connections on LYK?
To add connections on LYK:
  1. 1. Search the person you want to connect with
  2. 2. Select the type of connection you want to make with them. Close, Family, or Likeminded.
You can also add connections by inviting people using Facebook, Twitter, and Linkedin or you can share your referral link and invite new people to LYK.
Where can I view my connections?
To view your connections:
  1. 1. From the bottom of the app tap My Network
  2. 2. Tap my connections
From here you can view all of your connections and manage your level of connections with those in your network.
Can other people view my connections?
Your connections can be made both public and invisible.
If you want to hide certain connections in your network simply set them to private when you define the relationship.
How do I share something on LYK?
To share something on LYK:
  1. 1. From the bottom of your feed tap create > post.
  2. 2. Add text that you’d like to share.
  3. 3. From here you can also:
    1. a. Add a picture
    2. b. Add a video
    3. c. Add an event
    4. d. Mark your location
  4. 4. Choose who you’d like to share your post with Public, My Connections, or My Family.
  5. 5. Then tap share.
Can anyone see my posts?
Before you post anything you can select who can see what you’re about to post or share.
If you tap My Connections or My Family you can select which connections can view the post. If you tap Public your post can be seen by anyone on LYK.
Where can I view my posts?
To view your posts:
  1. 1. From the bottom of your feed tap Chat & Post.
  2. 2. Tap posts.
From here you can view or delete your posts.
LYK gives you complete control over all of your privacy settings allowing you to restrict who can view your profile, view your posts, and who can message you.
How do I manage my privacy settings?
Privacy settings can be managed where you update your profile information.
How can I block someone from my network?
To block someone from your network:
  1. 1. Go to the person’s profile you want to block.
  2. 2. Click on the block button next to the relationship dropdown.
What happens if I block a user?
If you block a user:
  1. 1. You won’t be able to access each other’s profile.
  2. 2. You won’t be able to message each other.
  3. 3. You won’t be able to see each other’s shared content.
  4. 4. Both the individuals would be removed from each other’s connection list.
  5. 5. Any recommendations or endorsements by the other member shall be removed.
  6. 6. Any suggestions (such as mutual friends, friends, activity, etc.) would be stopped.
  7. 7. In a group message you would be notified to stay or leave the group which has blocked the user.
Remember, you can always unblock a user in the future if you change your mind.
What features make LYK different from other Social Media Platforms?
LYK offers features that give users complete control of their privacy such as private comments on public posts, invisible connections, and disappearing messages.
LYK also has other new features such as LYK Wallet, LYK Promotions, and LYK Theater.
Private Comments
Private comments are a way to help increase your privacy. This allows you to freely share your thoughts on public posts only to those you choose.
How do I make private comments on a public post? To make a private comment:
  1. 1. Tap comment on the post or reply on the comment of a post.
  2. 2. Then select the comment mode Public or Private.
Invisible Connections
Invisible connections are connections that can only be seen by you. Any activity between you and invisible connections is only seen by you.
How do I make connections invisible? To make connections invisible:
  1. 1. Go to the connection’s profile you wish to make private.
  2. 2. Tap the relationship dropdown and set them to either close private or likeminded private
Likeminded Connections
On LYK your network is tailored to reflect your mutual interests and dislikes. LYK will recommend connections based on mutual interests and dislikes in order to keep your network likeminded.
Disappearing Messages
Disappearing messages help improve your privacy in private chats. Other users won’t know when you send disappearing messages until the message disappears.
How can I send disappearing messages? To send a disappearing message:
  1. 1. Start a private chat with a connection.
  2. 2. Tap on the disappearing icon next to the send button. This will tell you that the next message you send will be a disappearing message.
  3. 3. Type your message and then hit send.
LYK Wallet
What is LYK wallet? LYK Wallet is LYK’s reward program that stores LYK points as you earn them. You can use LYK points to redeem exciting rewards. What are LYK wallet points? LYK Wallet points is the currency for LYK and is used to redeem various rewards only on LYK. The points are stored in your LYK Wallet. How can I earn wallet points? You can earn LYK Wallet points by engaging in various LYK activities, participating in promotions, and referring others to register on LYK.
LYK Theater
What is LYK theater? LYK theater is the app’s streaming service offered to all LYK users. What can I stream on LYK theater? LYK theater allows you to stream movies, television shows, and music. Is LYK Theater Free? LYK theater offers free streaming of content funded by advertising. There is also an option for ad free streaming with a subscription. How can I find movies, television shows, and music in LYK theater? LYK theater allows you to search for movies, television shows, and music. What devices support LYK theater? LYK theater is available across Web, Android and iOS devices.
What are LYK promotions? LYK Promotions are a way for you to earn LYK wallet points when you qualify for all validation criteria for a particular promotion. Participation in LYK Promotions is voluntary and you are entitled for the Wallet points, only when you qualify to participate.
You can check on the available promotions and can consider to participate based on the validation criteria for every such promotions. Every qualified LYK promotion participation enables you to earn Wallet Points to be redeemed for exciting rewards! Where can I find LYK Promotions? LYK Promotions will be shown throughout your timeline. LYK will also notify you of any available promotions via inapp and LYK chat message. From the menu bar on the LYK home page, users can check for Promotions in the LYK Promotions Tab. How do I participate in LYK Promotions? To participate in LYK promotions you just tap on the promotion you’d like to participate in and check whether you qualify for the associated terms & conditions. Please refer to our privacy policy regarding LYK Promotions under Terms & Conditions.